변군이글루 블로그(Development)
[linux] How To Install GoAccess on CentOS 8 본문
How To Install GoAccess on CentOS 8
install goaccess
$ yum install -y goaccess
goaccess version infomation
$ goaccess --version
GoAccess - 1.5.4.
For more details visit: https://goaccess.io/
Copyright (C) 2009-2020 by Gerardo Orellana
Build configure arguments:
goaccess execution
$ goaccess access.log --log-format=COMBINED -a -o /docker-container/docker-nginx/html/report.html
running docker container
$ docker run -d -p 8080:80 --rm -v /docker-container/docker-nginx/html:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro --name nginx-goaccess nginx
goaccess dashboard
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